Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Health Revolution Petition

February 24 was the launch of the much-anticipated Health Revolution Petition.

This petition is a groundbreaking new petition that calls for real, revolutionary health freedom reforms in America! If its provisions are enacted, it would:

  • End FDA tyranny and oppression of natural product companies
  • End the persecution of alternative medicine and healing arts practitioners
  • Ban GMOs in the food supply and require honest labeling of irradiated foods
  • Protect America from CODEX "harmonization"
  • Allow full income tax deductions for ALL health-related expenditures (herbs, supplements, gym memberships, etc.)
  • Provide $350 a month in health care credits to each U.S. resident, allowing them to spend it on the health-enhancing products and services of their choice
  • End mandatory vaccination policies across America
  • Restore honest science to the FDA's review of drugs
  • Require the open publication of all drug trials
  • End Big Pharma's bribery of doctors
  • Hold drug company CEO's criminally liable for the harm caused by drugs they advertise to consumers
  • Restrict the advertising of junk foods and soda pop to children
  • Ban man-made, non-natural chemicals in personal care products
  • Invest in disease prevention and consumer education about nutrition
  • Protect the environment from dangerous drugs that pollute the water supply

... and more. If you believe in these things, and you are a resident or citizen of the USA, then please ...

Sign the Health Revolution Petition now!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Using a Hair Test to Determine Your Nutritional Needs

Many people poo-poo the idea of using a hair test to determine nutritional supplementation. They say it's only really good for determining toxic metals in your body.

If you haven't studied hair analysis extensively, you might think the same way. But a hair analysis, done properly in a qualified lab can provide you with a wealth of information about your metabolism, your immune system, your level of stress, your energy level, how well you tolerate carbohydrates and your potential for developing numerous different diseases long before they actually occur. It may surprise you that the nutrients found in your hair can even give information about your tendency to be shy or outgoing, or if you tend to be moody, depressed or anxious.

You can even learn what foods you should eat and what supplements you should take from your hair test.

Learn more about why a hair test is one of the best ways to dertermine your body's most important nutritional needs.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The "Everyone Needs Calcium" Myth

You've probably seen the ads saying that calcium is good for your bones and teeth. It's claimed to prevent osteoporosis. From what you read, see and hear in the media, it makes you think that everyone needs calcium.

However, did you know that if you're a slow oxidizer, i.e. your body releases energy too slowly, calcium is going to slow you down even more. It will slow down your thyroid gland and you will feel more tired.

Are you tired all the time? Are you low on energy? Are you taking vitamin and mineral supplements, but they don't seem to give you the energy you want? Have you tried many different supplements, but none seem to give you the energy you want?

If so, your body chemnistry is out of balance. Taking nutrients that your body doesn't need can cause an even greater imbalance. It's not true that if you take supplements that your body doesn't need, it will just eliminate them. Find out why here...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Myth That One Size Fits All

Have you ever wondered why you didn't feel any different when you took a nutritional product a friend raved about? Why did they feel so great after using it and why didn't you notice anything? Or maybe you took a product for a while and felt good, but later you noticed it didn't do anything for you.

The truth of the matter is that there is NO one nutritional product that is right for everyone. If anyone ever tells you that everyone needs to take their product, turn and run away!

Everyone is a unique individual with unique nutritional needs. You need to feed your body what it needs. Over time, your body's needs will change. So if you find a product that makes you feel great, don't be surprised if someday you don't feel so good with that same product.

How do you find out what your body needs without trying every product on the market?

Click the above link and you'll know.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Your Nails and Your Health

Do you have beautiful nails? Are they pink and smooth? Are they strong? Can you grow them long? Do they look nice and healthy?

Or do your nails split? Are they soft? Do you have vertical or horizontal ridges? Do you need to keep nail polish or fake nails on to make them look nice?

If your nails aren't beautiful, strong and healthy-looking without nail polish or fake nails, that may be an indication of an imbalance in your body chemistry.

White spots can indicate a deficiency in zinc or calcium. Brittle nails could be a sign of low iron, biotin, or a thyroid problem. If your nails split, you may not be getting enough protein, vitamin C, or folic acid. Nails that chip, crack or peel can be related to poor nutrition. If you have vertical grooves in your nails, you may be deficient in iron.

How do you find out what you need in order to grow strong healthy nails and have a healthy body?

First of all, you need to find out what is out of balance in your body. What nutrients are you not getting enough of? What are you getting too much of?

Yes, you can take too many supplements and that will cause an imbalance in your body, just like not taking enough. You need the right amount of the precise nutrients that YOUR body needs.

Find out more...

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Vitamins and Copper

Some vitamins work with copper in your body (synergists) and some work against copper (antagonists).

If the copper levels in your body are too high, it can cause a deficiency in the vitamins that are antagonistic to copper. For example if you have too much copper in your body, you can acquire a deficiency in Vitamins A, C, B5, B6 and niacin.

The higher the copper levels in your body, the more vitamin C you require. However, if you take too much vitamin C and you're deficient in copper, you may be more susceptible to infections.

The vitamins that are synergistic to copper are Vitamins B1, B12, C, D and folic acid. These vitamins work with copper and help to maintain the proper copper balance.

If you notice, Vitamin C is both an antagonist and a synergist. How can that be? It depends on the level of vitamin C in the body. At certain levels it's an antagonist and at other levels it's a synergist. This is one reason why it's really important to make sure you're giving your body exactly the nutrients it needs in the proper balance.

Find out more...

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Some Conditions That May Occur With Copper Toxicity

Here is a list of conditions that may be present when the copper level is elevated. However, remember that the conditions may have other associated deficiencies or imbalances as a single mineral elevation or deficiency rarely exists. This list is not absolute, only a sample of disorders that may show copper toxicity.

  • Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
  • Toxemia
  • Post partum depression
  • Gallstones
  • Viral infections
  • Epstein-Barr virus
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Anorexia
  • Bulemia
  • Candidiasis
  • Fungal infections
  • Scoliosis
  • Dyslexia

Learn how to determine if your mineral levels are out of balance and causing you health challenges.